Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Rancho De Las Flores

Last weekend Leif and I, along with my parents and my sister, returned to Rancho De Las Flores to put a deposit down and secure our wedding date. And so that Leif will never, ever forget what day that is...we will be getting married on 05-06-07! Very soon, since I will be out of a job in two days, we will start working on getting out our save the date cards.
Leif will put up some pictures of the place soon...I think. If not, there are pictures on their website;


Saturday, May 20, 2006

On Flickr, will start posting some picts

Anjali and Alex got us signed up with Flickr and she gave us a tutorial lesson. Should be fun. We'll post photos from work. We are planning to get broad band at our apt. Will make some of this much easier to stay in touch. This is a shot from Joshua trees after we saw all the California family.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Mother's Day in Haifa

The jacarandas and bouganvillas provide brilliant purple and fucia colors against the creamy stone buildings. This is the purple season. Last night the Mother's day dinner at Cesaeria (pronounced ke-sar'-ia) with the Mediterranean as a back drop was quite romantique. But still we missed our family and thought of all of you. After dinner we walked amidst the ancient ruins there, including Herod's palace and crusader church. The ancient mineret there is dramatic and beautiful against the skyline.

I saw patients in my new office for the first time yesterday. It is a bit of a space lab and will take some adjustment/figuring out how to use the space efficiently. (Sunday here is a work day). Mother's Day is a USA holiday so isn't widely celebrated here.

I know that we keep promising photos--one day it will happen.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Triceric in Caesaria for Mothers Day

Greetings all

Mom and I went to a romantic dinner on the Med. in Casesaria. This is the ancient Roman seaport about 30 minutes down the coast from us. We watched the sun set, ate unusual pastas (tuna with spicy tomato sauce) Mom had spinach ravioli in cream sauce. We watched the sunset with a clear view. After dinner we walked around the ruins for an hour and talked. It is wierd to walk on streets and walls that are from 5 different civilizations and are only partially repaired and refurbished. We slept like (b)logs. We'll have to figure out the picture posting technology to include some good shots. I am getting into reading Israeli/Holy Land histories - just finished the notes of the first USA ambassador to Israel and vol.1 of the 3 volume set on the crusades. I wish I could remember all the stories.......

thanks Leif for the Blog, can we include Bucky and Gary and Grandmother?

love Dad and Mom

watching the bride arrive

(pete and heidi in background)
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Mother's Day Weekend

Brianna and I spent the weekend in Santa Cruz for the wedding of our good friends, Joe and Taffy. It was a short and beautiful ceremony in the Nisene Marcks state park. Wedding dinner at the Bayview hotel, where we were staying. This morning we had breakfast with Pete and Heidi Spencer of Cleveland, married 55 years. They claim they stay married because they're too stubborn to admit they've made a mistake.

After breakfast we drove back to Bakersfield for a too brief Mother's Day dinner with Ma Beth and Grandma Irene. After coffee and desert I drove solo back to LA.
