Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Stir Crazy

Dear Family,

Sorry we have been slackers for email the last few days. We are well although getting a bit stir crazy. Eric has been busier than usual as he is pulling food for the 160 pilgrims that are here, some of the staff have been cooking for them every night. This is the last grp of pilgrims for the season—fortunately. We are still popping up and down especially in the afternoon when the sirens go off to head to safe spaces. People remain good humored about the whole thing. I am only moderately busy, which is a good thing. Anjali is still staying with us but as there are no rockets at night, she will likely go home in a day or two. She has had a virus and needed a bit of TLC. Her flat mates are staying with friends so she would have been alone in the flat—not good at this kind of time.

I have been continuing to work on the baby quilt for my friend, due to deliver in about 4 weeks. The center part is nearly done and the row of squares around the center piece is getting there. I need about 32 squares and have 25 at this point. Eric has been his unusual creative self and helped me with a few. Friends have helped with some and Eric and I have done most of them. It is a great project for a time like this. We are also watching movies in the evenings. The office of Personnel with which I am linked, has a small library of videos. Our video club is closed and so are the rental places around, so we are sharing with friends. One of our friends is loaning us the first season of Northern Exposure.

It looks like this could go on for a few more weeks. We will be presently surprised if it ends sooner.

Kay your big turtle sounds magnificent! Glad to hear you are enjoying the joys of nature around your cabin.


Tricia and Eric

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